Enrolment options

Many organizations which have employed Hydraulic Excavators in their work sites operate with optimum time utilization of machines. It’s mainly due to stretched targets and tight timelines in the dynamic business world. Hence machine inspections tend to miss out in daily operation. But many accidents and sudden breakdowns happen due to this.

This course is intended to provide understanding of how-to carryout a proper Heavy Machine Walk-around inspection for Hydraulic Excavator with reference to CAT 320 Machine. It would give you the knowledge on how to perform Visual Walk Around Inspection on Equipment safely, efficiently, and effectively.

Objectives of this course as follows:

01. Understand the importance of Walkaround inspection

02. Learn how to make sure your Hydraulic Excavator is ready to employ in the work floor

03. Understand the step-by-step process of conducting a walkaround inspection

04. Learn how to document the machine inspection data

Learning of this course will eventually help to prevent sudden machine breakdowns and increase the availability within your work floor. Therefore, it will reduce machine down time and allow plan and schedule maintenance work which will ultimately be linked to profitability of your organization. Therefore, we recommend you follow this course with attention to each checkpoint and get the maximum benefit.

Learning Objectives

• Understand the importance of Walkaround inspection

• Learn how to make sure your Hydraulic Excavator is ready to employ in the work floor

• Understand the step-by-step process of conducting a walkaround inspection

• Learn how to document the machine inspection data

Course Outline

Section 01 – Engine Compartment

  1. 0Safety

  2. Parking

  3. Enclosure Door

  4. Engine Oil Level

  5. Breather Line

  6. Exhaust Manifold

  7. Starter Motor

  8. Alternator

Section 02 – Radiator Compartment

  1. Drive Belt

  2. Radiator Fan

  3. Hoses

Section 03 – Swin Drive Compartment

  1. Lubrication Oil Level

  2. Hydraulic Hoses

  3. Swivel Joint

  4. Hydraulic Control Valve

  5. Filter

  6. Greasing Point

Section 04 – Hydraulic Compartment

  1. Hydraulic Pump

  2. Hydraulic Oil Inlet Line

  3. Hoses

  4. Engine Oil Filter

  5. Water Filter

  6. Hydraulic Tank

Section 05 – Cooling Compartment

  1. Radiator

  2. Main Switch

  3. Air Filter

  4. BAtteries

  5. Water Reservoir

Section 01 – Undercarriage

  1. Excavator Machine Track

  2. Link Assembly

  3. Track Sag

  4. Carrier Rollers

  5. Sprocket Wheel

Section 01 – Cabin And Implements

  1. Door Hinges

  2. Glass

  3. Operator Seat

  4. Seat Safety Belts

  5. Mirrored

  6. Boom & Hydraulic Cylinders

  7. Stick

  8. Bucket

This course requires a payment for entry.

Cost: LKR 10000.00

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